18 Jan 2023 admin

The Best Drinking Games for a Night Out at a Bar

There’s nothing quite like a night out at a bar with friends to let loose and have some fun. These 5 drinking games are sure to make your night extra memorable.


Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to spend your night with friends? Look no further! Drinking games are the perfect way to add some excitement and playful competition to your night. Whether you’re looking for deep conversation or silly fun, there’s a game out there for you.



#5: Flip Cup


“Flip Cup” is an energetic game that is perfect for a group of friends looking to get moving and have some fun. It’s a game that’s perfect for a party, a night in with friends, or even a family gathering. It’s a game that will have you laughing, competing, and having a great time.


The game is simple, you’ll need two teams and a long table. Each team has a row of cups filled with a drink, and the goal is to race to finish the cups before the other team. Players take turns flipping their cup from the edge of the table and trying to land it right side up. The catch is that players can only move on to the next cup after their current cup has landed right side up. When all the cups have been flipped, the team that finishes first wins.


This game is also a great way to get moving and have some fun. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up and have a great time. Plus, it’s a great way to break the ice and get to know your friends and partners better.


It’s important to keep in mind that the game should be played in a safe and responsible manner. Make sure you have a designated driver, or use public transportation or a ride-sharing service. Also, be sure to drink water in between drinks and know your limits.



To give your team an edge, try using cups with a wider base or practicing your flip technique beforehand.



For a different twist on the game, try using different rules or adding in additional challenges, such as requiring players to perform a certain action before they can take their turn.



#4: Quarters


“Quarters” is a classic game that is perfect for a group of friends looking for a more low-key game. It’s a game that’s perfect for a night in with friends, a sleepover, or even a party. It’s a game that will have you laughing, competing, and having a great time.


The game is simple, you’ll need a quarter, a glass, and a few drinks. Players take turns bouncing the quarter off the table and into the glass. If the quarter lands in the glass, the player gets to choose someone to take a drink. If the quarter misses, the player has to take a drink. The game continues until someone decides to stop.


This game is also a great way to have a casual and relaxed fun time with friends. It’s a great way to bond and have a great time together. Plus, it’s a great way to break the ice and get to know your friends and partners better.


It’s important to keep in mind that the game should be played in a safe and responsible manner. Make sure you have a designated driver, or use public transportation or a ride-sharing service. Also, be sure to drink water in between drinks and know your limits.



To get the perfect bounce, try using a smooth surface for the table and make sure the quarter is clean and free of any scratches or dents.



For a different twist on the game, try using different rules or adding in additional challenges, such as requiring players to perform a certain action before they can take their turn.



#3: Most Likely


“Most Likely” is a simple yet entertaining game that is perfect for a larger group of friends looking for a more interactive game. It’s a game that’s perfect for a night in with friends, a sleepover, or even a party. It’s a game that will have you laughing, competing, and having a great time.


The game is simple, everyone sits in a circle and one person starts by saying “Who is most likely to…” followed by a question or statement. For example, “Who is most likely to become a famous actor?” Everyone then points to the person in the group they think is most likely to do that activity and that person has to take a drink. The game continues until everyone has had a turn or until someone decides to stop.


This game is also a great way to get to know your friends and their personalities better. It’s a great way to bond and have a great time together. Plus, it’s a great way to break the ice and get to know your friends and partners better.


It’s important to keep in mind that the game should be played in a safe and responsible manner. Make sure you have a designated driver, or use public transportation or a ride-sharing service. Also, be sure to drink water in between drinks and know your limits.



To make the game more fun, try coming up with creative questions that relate to the group. For example, “Who is most likely to win a Nobel Prize?” or “Who is most likely to become a famous chef?”



For a different twist on the game, try using different rules or adding in additional challenges, such as requiring players to perform a certain action before they can take their turn.



#2: Beirut (Beer Pong)


“Beirut” (also known as Beer Pong) is a classic game that is perfect for a group of friends looking for a more intense and challenging game. It’s a game that’s perfect for a party, a night in with friends, or even a family gathering. It’s a game that will have you laughing, competing, and having a great time.


The game is simple, you’ll need a ping pong ball, a few beers, and a row of cups set up on a table. The cups are arranged in a triangle shape on each end of the table and filled with beer. Players take turns trying to throw the ball into the cups. If the ball lands in a cup, the opposing team has to drink the beer from that cup. Once all cups are sunk, the team that sank all their cups first wins. The game continues until one team has successfully sunk all of their cups or until someone decides to stop.


This game is also a great way to test your aim and have some fun with friends. It’s a great way to bond and have a great time together. Plus, it’s a great way to break the ice and get to know your friends and partners better.


It’s important to keep in mind that the game should be played in a safe and responsible manner. Make sure you have a designated driver, or use public transportation or a ride-sharing service. Also, be sure to drink water in between drinks and know your limits.


Another variation of the game is “Beirut Pro” which is a more challenging version of the game, where the cups are placed in a pyramid shape and the players have to hit the cups at the back of the pyramid first before hitting the cups at the front.



To get the perfect shot, try using a smooth surface for the table and make sure the ball is clean and free of any scratches or dents.



For a different twist on the game, try using different cups or balls or adding in additional challenges, such as requiring players to perform a certain action before they can take their turn.



#1: Kings (Circle of Death)


T”Kings” (also known as Circle of Death) is a popular game that is perfect for a group of friends looking for a more interactive game. It’s a game that’s perfect for a night in with friends, a sleepover, or even a party. It’s a game that will have you laughing, competing, and having a great time.


The game is simple, you’ll need a deck of cards and a few drinks. Players take turns drawing cards and performing the action associated with that card. For example, if a player draws a 7, they have to draw a line of 7 cards and the person to their left has to perform the action associated with that card. The game continues until someone decides to stop.


The actions associated with each card can vary depending on the group playing, but some common actions are as follows:


You – The player who drew the card chooses someone to drink

 Me – The player who drew the card drinks

 Floor – All players must touch the floor with their hands, the last person to do so drinks

 Guys – All guys in the group drink

Chicks – All girls in the group drink

 Heaven – All players point to the sky, the last person to do so drinks

 Mate – The player chooses someone to be their mate, and whenever one of them drinks, so does the other.

Rhyme – The player says a word and the next player must rhyme with it, if they can’t, they drink.

Categories – The player chooses a category and the next player must say something in that category, if they can’t, they drink.

Jack: Make a rule – The player can make up a rule for the game.

Queen: Question master – The player can ask any question and the next player must answer it, if they can’t, they drink.

King: Pour – The player must pour some of their drink into a central cup, the first player to draw the last king must drink the central cup.


Another variation of the game is the “Kings Cup” where a cup is placed in the center of the table and each card corresponds to a different rule. Like in “Kings” players draw cards and perform the action associated with that card, but in “Kings Cup” instead of drinking, players pour a bit of their drink into the central cup. The player who draws the last king must drink the central cup.



To help remember the rules, it might be helpful to have a list of the actions associated with each card handy.



For a different twist on the game, try using different rules or adding in additional challenges, such as requiring players to perform a certain action before they can take their turn.





In conclusion, there are so many fun drinking games out there that are perfect for a night in with friends or a party. Whether you’re looking for a more intense and challenging game like “Beirut” or a more low-key game like “Quarters”, there’s a game for everyone. The games like “Overwatch Drinking Game”, “Would You Rather”, “Marry, F***, Kill”, “Drunk Jenga”, “Truth or Dare”, “Drunk Scrabble”, “Flip Cup”, “Most Likely” and “Kings” are all great ways to add some excitement and playful competition to your night.


These games are not just about getting drunk, they are also a great way to bond with friends, break the ice, and get to know each other better. They are a great way to test your coordination, aim, vocabulary, and many more. Plus, they are a great way to have some laughs and create lasting memories.


It’s important to keep in mind that these games should be played in a safe and responsible manner. Make sure you have a designated driver, or use public transportation or a ride-sharing service. Also, be sure to drink water in between drinks and know your limits.


Drinking games can be a fun and enjoyable way to bond with friends and enjoy a night out at a bar, but it’s important to remember to drink responsibly and never put yourself or others in danger. So gather your friends, grab a few drinks, and try out these 5 drinking games for a night out at a bar.