17 Jan 2023 admin

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Drinking Card Games

There’s nothing quite like a good drinking card game to bring people together and add some excitement to a night out. I’ll never forget the time my friends and I played a rousing game of “Kings” that lasted until the wee hours of the morning. We were laughing, cheering, and having a blast – and let’s just say we were feeling pretty good by the end of it.


If you’re looking to up your drinking card game skills, or just want some new ideas for your next party, you’ve come to the right place. This ultimate guide will cover everything you need to know about drinking card games, from the basics to the best games to play.


But first, let’s define exactly what a drinking card game is. A drinking card game is a type of card game that involves the consumption of alcohol as a central part of the gameplay. This can take many forms, such as taking a drink whenever a certain card is played or as punishment for losing a round. Drinking card games are a great way to relax and socialize with friends, and they can add a fun and competitive element to a night out.


Now, on to the top 10 best drinking card games!



Kings, also known as “Circle of Death,” “Ring of Fire,” or “Waterfall,” is a popular drinking game that can be played with a group of friends. The game is played with a deck of cards and a cup, which is typically a pint glass or solo cup. The objective of the game is to draw cards and perform actions based on the suit and value of the card. The game is played in a circle and players take turns drawing cards.


When a player draws a card, they must perform an action based on the suit and value of the card. For example, drawing a six may require the player to give out six drinks, while drawing a queen may mean the player must ask a question to another player, who must answer truthfully or take a drink. Other actions include drawing a two, which means that the player can choose another player to take a drink, and drawing a seven, which means that the player must point to another player and say “heaven” and everyone must point up, the last person to do so takes a drink.


The game can be made more challenging by adding rules for certain cards. For example, drawing a ten may mean that the player must give out ten drinks, while drawing a jack may mean that the player must come up with a rule for the game. This can make the game more unpredictable and exciting.


Kings is a fun and exciting game that is perfect for parties and social gatherings. It is easy to learn and can be played with a group of friends. It is a great way to spend an evening and can be a lot of fun. The game is best played with a group of people who are comfortable with each other, as it can be quite challenging and requires players to be honest and open with each other. Overall, Kings is a great game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds and is sure to provide a fun and memorable evening for everyone involved.


Fuzzy Duck: 

Fuzzy Duck is a simple, yet entertaining drinking game that can be played with a group of friends. The game is played in a circle and players take turns saying “fuzzy duck” or “does he?” The objective of the game is to not mess up or stumble on your words, as doing so will result in having to take a drink. The game begins with the first player saying “fuzzy duck” the next player saying “does he?” and so on.


Players can choose to switch the order of the words each time, or they can stick with the same order. This adds an element of surprise and keeps players on their toes. The game can get quite intense and fast-paced as players try to keep up with the changing order of the words.


As the game progresses, players may become more relaxed and confident and may begin to mess up or stumble on their words. When this happens, the player must take a drink as a penalty. It’s a good idea to set a rule for how many drinks are taken depending on the mistake made. For example, if a player says the wrong word, they may only have to take one drink, whereas if they stumble on their words, they may have to take two drinks.


Fuzzy Duck is a great game for parties and social gatherings. It’s easy to learn and can be played by people of all ages and backgrounds. The game is best played with a group of people who are comfortable with each other, as it can be quite challenging and requires players to be quick on their feet and think on their feet. The game is a lot of fun and is sure to provide a memorable evening for everyone involved. It is a great way to spend an evening with friends and can be a lot of fun.

Never Have I Ever:

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular drinking game that is often played at parties and social gatherings. The game is simple, players take turns making statements beginning with “Never have I ever…” and finishing with something they’ve never done. For example, a player might say “Never have I ever been skydiving,” and anyone who has been skydiving would take a drink. The game is typically played with alcohol, but non-alcoholic drinks can also be used.


The game is designed to be a fun way to learn new things about your friends and to have a good time with them. It can be played with any number of players, but it is recommended to have at least three or more players. The more players, the more interesting the game can be. The game can be played with different variations, like you can make it a rule that you can’t repeat any statements that have already been made, or you can make it so that players must take a certain number of drinks instead of just one.


The game can be a great way to break the ice and to get to know new people. It can also be a good way to bond with old friends. The game can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to remember to drink responsibly and not overdo it. It is always a good idea to have a designated driver or to arrange for a ride home if you plan on drinking.


Never Have I Ever can also be a great way to bring out the truth and reveal some fun facts about your friends, but it can also be a bit embarrassing if they have to admit something they never wanted to. It’s important to remember to play the game in good spirits, and not to use it as a means of making fun of others or bringing up sensitive topics.


“Never Have I Ever” is a classic drinking game that can be a lot of fun when played with friends. It’s a great way to learn new things about your friends and to bond with them. It is a simple game but can be a lot of fun and a great way to spend a night with friends. However, it is important to drink responsibly and not overdo it, and always remember to have a designated driver or arrange for a ride home.




Thumper is a fast-paced and exciting game that is perfect for a group of friends. The game involves players thumping their fists on the table in rhythm. The goal of the game is to keep the rhythm going for as long as possible without breaking it. If a player breaks the rhythm, they must take a drink as a penalty.


The game starts with one player setting the rhythm by thumping their fist on the table. The next player in the circle must then join in, and the rhythm is passed around the circle. As the game goes on, the rhythm becomes more complex and challenging, and players must pay close attention to keep up.


Thumper is not just a game of rhythm, it’s also a game of concentration and focus. As players take their turns, they must be able to focus on the rhythm and keep it going, while also paying attention to the players around them. The game can be played with beer or cocktails, and it’s perfect for any occasion.


Thumper is a game that encourages interaction and camaraderie among friends. It’s a great way to spend time together and have fun. The game can be played by anyone, regardless of their age or skill level. Next time you’re hanging out with friends, give Thumper a try and see who will be the last one standing.


Cheers to the Governor:

Cheers to the Governor is a fun and interactive drinking game that is popular among friends and party-goers. The game is simple and easy to learn, making it a great choice for social gatherings. The objective of the game is for players to take turns counting up from one to 21, but with a twist. Certain numbers have specific rules associated with them that players must follow. For example, when a player says “seven,” they must point to someone else at the table, who must then say “eight.” If the player forgets to say “eight,” they must take a drink. This adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the game as players must pay close attention to the numbers being called out and be ready to respond quickly.


As the game progresses, the rules become more complex and challenging. For example, when a player says “eleven,” they must clap their hands before saying “twelve.” If they forget to clap, they must take a drink. Another example is when a player says “fifteen,” they must point to someone else at the table, and that person must then say “sixteen” while pointing to another person. If the player forgets to point or say the correct number, they must take a drink.


One of the most challenging rules is when a player says “twenty,” they must say “twenty-one” while pointing to someone else at the table. That person must then say “Governor” and point to someone else at the table, who must then say “Cheers.” If any player forgets to say the correct phrase or point to the correct person, they must take a drink.


The game is usually played with a group of 4-6 people, but can be played with more or less. The game can be played with different drinks of your choice, it can be beer, wine or any other non-alcoholic drink. It is also important to note that players should drink responsibly and not overdo it.


Overall, Cheers to the Governor is a fun and exciting game that is sure to add some excitement and laughter to any social gathering. It’s easy to learn and can be played with a variety of different drinks, making it a great choice for any occasion. So, gather some friends, grab a drink, and get ready to have a great time playing Cheers to the Governor.



Never Have I Ever (Variation):

Never Have I Ever is a classic party game that is perfect for a group of friends. This variation on the game involves players writing down ten things they have never done on pieces of paper. These papers are then placed in a hat, and players take turns drawing a slip and reading it out loud. If the player has done the activity mentioned, they must take a drink.


Before the game starts, each player must write down ten things they have never done, from simple activities like “never been skydiving” to more personal experiences like “never been in a serious relationship.” Once the slips of paper are collected, they are placed in a hat, and the game begins.


The game is played in a circle, with each player taking turns to draw a slip of paper from the hat and read it aloud. If the player has done the activity mentioned, they must take a drink. If they have not done the activity, they can pass the slip back to the hat. The game continues in this manner, with each player taking turns to draw a slip and read it aloud until all the slips have been drawn.


This variation of Never Have I Ever is a great way to get to know your friends better and learn about their experiences. It’s also a fun way to break the ice and encourage conversation. The game can be played with beer or cocktails, and it’s perfect for any occasion.


The game can also be made more challenging by adding a rule that player can’t repeat the same thing as the previous player. This will make the game more interesting as players will have to come up with new and unique things they have never done. Never Have I Ever is a game that everyone can enjoy, and it’s a great way to spend time with friends and create lasting memories. Next time you’re hanging out with friends, give this variation of Never Have I Ever a try and see who will come out on top.



Flip, Sip, or Strip:

In this game, players take turns flipping a coin. If it lands on heads, the player must take a drink. If it lands on tails, the player must remove an article of clothing.

Flip, Sip, or Strip: 

Flip, Sip, or Strip is a daring and exciting game that is perfect for a group of friends who are looking for a wild night. The game involves players taking turns flipping a coin. If the coin lands on heads, the player must take a drink. If the coin lands on tails, the player must remove an article of clothing. The game continues until one player is completely naked or the players decide to stop.


Before the game starts, players should set a few ground rules, such as setting a limit on how much alcohol can be consumed, and making sure that everyone is comfortable with the idea of removing clothing. It’s also important to make sure that the game is played in a safe and private environment.


The game is played in a circle, with each player taking turns flipping the coin. As the game goes on, players become more daring and the stakes become higher. The game can be played with beer or cocktails, and it’s perfect for any occasion.


Flip, Sip, or Strip is not just a game of chance, it’s also a game of courage and confidence. As players take their turns, they must be willing to take risks and push their boundaries. The game can be played as a friendly competition or as a drinking game, and it’s a game that everyone can enjoy.


Flip, Sip, or Strip is a game that is not for the faint-hearted, it’s a game that requires a lot of courage and confidence. It’s a game that will bring out the wild side of players and will create a lot of laughter and memories. It’s important to keep in mind that this game is for adults and should be played with friends you trust and feel comfortable with. This game is not suitable for everyone, and players should only participate if they are comfortable with the idea of removing clothing.


Most Likely:

Most Likely is a fun and interactive game that is perfect for a group of friends. In this game, players sit in a circle and one player starts by saying “Who is most likely to…” and finishes with a question. For example, “Who is most likely to bungee jump off a bridge?” All the other players then point to the person they think is most likely to do the activity mentioned. The person who is pointed at the most must take a drink.


The game starts with one player asking a question and the rest of the players pointing to the person they think is most likely to do the activity mentioned. The game can be played with a wide range of questions, from the silly and light-hearted like “Who is most likely to eat a whole cake in one sitting?” to more personal and serious questions like “Who is most likely to get married first?”


Most Likely is not just a drinking game, it’s also a game that requires creativity and quick thinking. As players take their turns, they must come up with creative and interesting questions that will keep the game interesting. The game can be played with beer or cocktails, and it’s perfect for any occasion.


Most Likely is a game that encourages interaction and camaraderie among friends. It’s a great way to get to know your friends better and learn about their personalities and interests. The game can be played as a friendly competition or as a drinking game, and it’s a game that everyone can enjoy.


One of the best things about Most Likely is that it is highly adaptable. The questions can be changed and customized to suit the group playing. It’s a game that can be played with any group of friends, regardless of their age or drinking experience. The game creates a lot of laughter and good times and will create lasting memories. Next time you’re hanging out with friends, give Most Likely a try and see who will be pointed at the most.


21 Questions:

21 Questions is a classic party game that is perfect for groups of friends or family. The game is played by one person thinking of an object or person and the other players trying to guess what it is by asking yes or no questions. Each player is allowed up to 21 questions, and if they can’t guess the object or person by the end, they must take a drink.


The person who is thinking of the object or person can be anyone in the group and can be chosen at random or by players taking turns. The object or person can be anything, from a famous person, a fictional character, an object, a place, etc. It is up to the person thinking of the object or person to decide what it will be.


Once the object or person is chosen, the other players take turns asking questions. The questions can be anything, as long as they can be answered with a yes or no. The players must carefully choose their questions, as they only have 21 questions to try and guess the object or person.


As players take turns asking questions, the group may begin to form a consensus about what the object or person might be. As the number of questions remaining dwindles, the guessing becomes more intense, and the group may begin to make wild guesses, which can lead to a lot of laughter and fun.


21 Questions is a great way to test people’s knowledge of various topics, and it’s also a fun way to learn new things. It can be a great icebreaker for parties or events where people may not know each other well. It’s also a great way to spend time with friends and family and it’s sure to bring a lot of laughter and fun to any gathering.


Overall, 21 Questions is a classic party game that is easy to play and suitable for all ages. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and family, and it’s sure to bring a lot of laughter and fun to any gathering. It is a game that can be played by everyone, it doesn’t require any special skills or abilities, and is a game that can be played in any setting, from a small gathering to a big party.



Quarters is a popular drinking game that can be played with any number of players. The game is played using a quarter and a large cup or glass. The objective of the game is to bounce the quarter off a hard surface and into the cup or glass.


To start the game, players take turns trying to bounce the quarter off a hard surface and into the cup or glass. If a player successfully makes the quarter into the cup or glass, they get to choose another player to drink. If a player fails to make the quarter into the cup or glass, they must take a drink themselves.


The game can be played with any type of drink, such as water, soda, or alcohol. However, it is important to drink responsibly and not overdo it. It is always a good idea to set a limit on the number of drinks that can be consumed during the game and to have a designated driver or alternate transportation arranged.


Some variations of this game can include playing with multiple quarters, or playing with different rules as if a player makes it in the cup first try they get to choose 2 players to drink. Overall, Quarters is a fun and interactive party game that is easy to play and suitable for all ages. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and family, and it’s sure to bring a lot of laughter and fun to any gathering.


However, it is important to always drink responsibly and not overdo it, and to have a designated driver or alternate transportation arranged. While these are some of the best and most popular drinking card games, there are many other variations and modifications you can try to keep things interesting. For example, you can combine elements from different games to create a hybrid game, or you can add your own rules and twists to traditional games. The possibilities are endless!



In conclusion, drinking card games are a fun and social way to spend an evening with friends. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the scene, there’s a game on this list for you. So gather some friends, grab a deck of cards, and get ready to have a good time. Cheers!


I hope you enjoyed this ultimate guide to the best drinking card games! As always, please remember to drink responsibly and never pressure anyone to drink if they don’t want to.